April 17, 2023

  • JOBS

    Protecting yourself and your job from being replaced by AI and automation

    CBS NEWS, 04/17/23. AI and automation are expanding in many industries. Leigh Chelsey suggests that rather than eliminate jobs, they may shift job requirements. Learning how to service and understand new machines can be helpful. Ultimately, while AI and automation will continue to grow, the human brain and creativity will always be necessary and in demand. READ MORE

  • open Source

    Open-Source Auto-Gpt & BabyAGI Integrate Recursion Into AI Applications

    UNITE.AI, 04/17/23. Recent developments in AI, such as Auto-GPT and BabyAGI, have demonstrated impressive potential for autonomous agents based on large language models. These agents can perform complex tasks and integrate recursion into AI applications. BabyAGI uses NLP and Pinecone for task storage, while Auto-GPT divides tasks into sub-tasks and uses resources like the internet. The future of AI development looks promising, with the potential for significant revenue and enterprise value by 2030. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Porn

    “Deepfake” porn could be a growing problem as AI editing programs become more sophisticated

    CBS NEWS, 04/17/23. AI imaging has beneficial applications, but the ease of creating deepfake pornography using AI is a growing concern. The problem is predominantly harmful to women and has worsened with sophisticated AI tools. Some companies have taken steps to address the issue, but a global solution is needed. An online reporting tool called Take It Down has been developed to protect children from harmful content. READ MORE

  • Healthcare

    Diagnosing AI: Healthcare community excited, wary of artificial intelligence

    Worchester Business Journal, 04/17/23. AI can revolutionize diagnostics in medicine, but caution is necessary. The data that AI programs are fed must be representative of diverse groups and free of bias, and the technology is not yet enough to replace human expertise. Increased access to software may increase access to healthcare in less serviced areas, but patients still want the human element. Patients are open to most technologies when it comes to life-threatening illnesses. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Models

    OpenAI chief says age of giant AI models is ending; a GPU crisis could be one reason why

    VentureBeat, 04/17/23. The increasing cost of training and running LLMs has led to a shift in focus from scaling to improving architecture, data efficiency, and algorithms. Access to expensive GPUs is in high demand, and even large companies like Tesla and Twitter are struggling to secure them. As such, companies like OpenAI may need to look for alternative solutions to the exorbitant costs associated with LLMs. READ MORE