August 11, 2023

  • Strategy

    Few Executives Establishing Strategies for Highly Trusted AI

    Health IT Analytics, 08/11/23. The importance of setting goals cannot be overstated. Setting goals helps provide direction and purpose in life. They help us to prioritize our time and efforts, and to focus on what truly matters. Goals also serve as a source of motivation and inspiration, pushing us to strive for personal growth and accomplishment. Without goals, we may find ourselves feeling lost and lacking fulfillment. Therefore, it is important to take the time to set meaningful goals and work towards achieving them. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Model

    Pushing boundaries with Generative AI: How Program-aided Language model (PAL) enhances Large Language Models (LLMs) for superior AI performance

    Data Science Central, 08/11/23. The article explores Program-Aided Language models (PAL) and its revolutionary impact on Language Learning Models (LLMs). PAL utilizes an external Python interpreter to enhance natural language reasoning and solve complex tasks. The method has shown impressive accuracy and outperformed existing models, setting new benchmarks. PAL’s ability to generate free-form Python code expands the possibilities in AI tasks. This collaboration between LLMs and Python interpreters signifies the future of neuro-symbolic AI reasoners. With PAL, the potential of generative AI is unleashed, showcasing the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Nvidia

    Nvidia’s FlexiCubes uses generative AI to create 3D meshes

    VentureBeat, 08/11/23. Nvidia has introduced FlexiCubes, an AI-powered tool that generates high-quality 3D meshes for various applications. With the ability to integrate with physics, FlexiCubes allows for the creation of flexible objects in 3D models. This innovative approach improves mesh quality and enhances realism in AI pipelines, benefiting industries such as gaming and simulation. Additionally, FlexiCubes can generate tetrahedral meshes for physics simulations, expanding its potential applications. Nvidia showcased this technology at Siggraph 2023, demonstrating its advancements in 3D mesh generation. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Regulation

    EU AI Act: The World’s First Comprehensive AI Regulation Is About to Be Finalized – What It Entails and What It Means for Copyright Law

    JD Supra, 08/11/23. The provided content appears to be a button or link related to subscribing to a certain service or website. It does not contain enough information to form a complete essay. If you could provide a topic or prompt, I would be happy to assist you in writing an essay. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Regulation

    How does generative AI learn? Japan prepares disclosure rules

    Nikkei Asia, 08/11/23. Japan is taking steps to address potential bias and abuses in generative artificial intelligence (AI) programs. According to draft government guidelines, businesses in Japan will be urged to disclose the types of data used to train these AI programs. This initiative aims to promote transparency and accountability in the development and use of AI. By shedding light on the data sources, it becomes possible to identify and address biases that may exist in AI systems. These guidelines, expected to be finalized later this year, underline Japan’s commitment to ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI technology. READ THE ARTICLE