August 30, 2023

  • Career

    DOD Focuses on Talent Pipeline, Career Paths to Attract AI Pros

    U.S. Department of Defense, 08/30/23. The tag is an essential component of an HTML document. It represents the main content of the webpage and contains all the visible elements such as text, images, and multimedia. The opening tag is declared after the tag, and the closing tag marks the end of the main content. The tag allows web developers to structure and organize the visual aspects of the webpage, making it more accessible and user-friendly. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Use Case

    Generative AI at Mastercard: Governance Takes Center Stage

    MIT Sloan Management Review, 08/30/23. The article discusses the challenges and progress of generative AI in companies, with a focus on Mastercard. Despite being an experienced player in data, analytics, and AI, Mastercard is still navigating the details of generative AI. The article highlights the importance of governance, understanding data, models, and reviewing outcomes. It also emphasizes the need for education on generative AI for senior executives and board members. Mastercard has implemented guidelines and policies to responsibly innovate with generative AI, and it is exploring various use cases for fraud detection, knowledge management, and personalization. The article concludes by acknowledging that generative AI is an evolving technology that may bring transformation over time. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    An AI quadcopter has beaten human champions at drone racing

    NPR, 08/30/23. A small drone powered by artificial intelligence (AI) has proved its capabilities by outperforming human competitors in a race course. The quadcopter drone, equipped with an AI brain, won 15 out of 25 races against human rivals. This achievement marks the first time AI has challenged and beaten human champions in a real-world competitive sport. While computers have excelled in games such as chess and Go, this victory demonstrates AI’s potential in real-world competitions. The drone’s success came from a combination of AI and conventional programming strategies, including reinforcement learning to determine the best route. Although the drone has limitations and needs to overcome external disturbances and changing conditions, its performance showcases the readiness of AI to transition from virtual to real-world applications. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Hype

    AI Startup Buzz Is Facing a Reality Check

    The Wall Street Journal, 08/30/23. Apologies, but the prompt you provided does not make sense as it seems to be incomplete or unrelated. Could you please provide more details or clarify your request? I’ll be happy to assist you once I have a clearer understanding of what you need. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Healthcare

    Sobering Reports on AI for CPR, Cancer Treatment Advice

    Harvard Medical School, 08/30/23. Two recent studies led by Harvard Medical School researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have highlighted limitations in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. The first study found that AI-based voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, often provided irrelevant or inconsistent information when guiding individuals on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Experts recommend calling emergency services for optimal CPR guidance. The second study discovered that ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, did not reliably give evidence-based recommendations for cancer treatments. Researchers emphasize the importance of seeking guidance from clinicians for accurate and individualized advice. These findings underscore the need for further development and standardization of AI tools in healthcare. READ THE ARTICLE