August 7, 2023

  • SMB

    How AI is Leveling the Marketing Playing Field Between SMBs and Big Business

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 08/07/23. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can greatly benefit small businesses, despite their limited resources. AI tools can help small businesses streamline operations, save costs, and focus on their core competencies. For example, generative AI programs like Midjourney can produce creative imagery from text, allowing businesses to easily communicate their ideas and enhance client understanding. Additionally, AI can automate tasks such as expense management and generate tailored sales pitches. While there are pitfalls to consider, small businesses can leverage AI to stay competitive and increase efficiency. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Careers

    Career Pathfinding on the AI Frontier: Become the Talent Behind the Tech

    SAP, 08/07/23. The importance of time management cannot be overstated. In today’s fast-paced world, managing one’s time effectively is crucial to success. It allows individuals to prioritize tasks, increase productivity, and reduce stress. With proper time management, people can allocate sufficient time to important activities, such as work, studies, and personal growth. Moreover, it helps in building a healthy work-life balance. By setting goals, planning activities, and avoiding procrastination, individuals can make the most out of their time and achieve their objectives efficiently. Therefore, mastering the art of time management is essential for a fulfilling and successful life. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Coding

    Generative AI and a new version of old programming

    InfoWorld, 08/07/23. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, including the field of software development. While there are concerns about AI taking over jobs, it is unlikely to replace developers entirely. AI coding assistants like Amazon CodeWhisperer and GitHub Copilot can significantly enhance a developer’s productivity, saving time and providing accurate solutions. However, experienced developers are needed to ensure the correctness of the generated code. Additionally, developers still have other crucial tasks like security, testing, debugging, and design. The nature of programming may change, with prompt engineering becoming an important skill. AI is a tool that will reshape the developer’s job but will not replace the need for skilled professionals in the foreseeable future. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Strategy

    Three Decision-Centric Questions To Clarify ChatGPT Hype And Guide Your AI Strategy

    Forbes, 08/07/23. In order to cut through the AI hyperbole and disillusionment and find ways that AI can improve business decision-making productivity today, companies need to approach AI in a strategic manner. Rather than expecting AI to be a magic wand that can improve every decision, companies should break down the decision-making process into three phases: framing, deciding, and learning. AI can help in each phase by acting as a decision coach and brainstorming partner, providing insights and recommendations, and continuously improving decision-making over time. It’s important to view AI as a tool that complements human expertise, rather than replacing it. By leveraging AI technologies effectively, companies can expand their brilliance and achieve better decision outcomes. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Healthcare

    Beyond Hype: Getting the Most Out of Generative AI in Healthcare Today

    Bain & Company, 08/07/23. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact healthcare providers and payers, with more than half of US hospitals facing financial challenges. Rising costs are a major concern, and healthcare executives are searching for margin improvements. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, has the potential to enhance productivity and reduce costs. However, only a small percentage of companies have an established generative AI strategy. To overcome challenges and prioritize the right opportunities, healthcare organizations should start with low-risk, focused use cases that boost productivity and cost efficiency. By gaining experience and accumulating savings, they can gradually invest in more transformative AI applications and revolutionize their businesses. READ THE ARTICLE