July 1, 2023

  • censorship

    The Rise of AI in Detecting “Toxic” Content on Social Media Platforms

    Readwrite, 07/01/23. Vietnam has taken a significant step by ordering cross-border social media platforms to implement artificial intelligence (AI) models capable of detecting and removing toxic content. This move underscores Vietnam’s commitment to combat offensive, false, and anti-state information on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. By leveraging AI technology, these platforms can proactively identify and eliminate harmful content, ensuring a more positive user experience for millions of individuals within Vietnam. This requirement aligns with regional efforts in Southeast Asia to develop governance and ethics guidelines for AI technology, reflecting the growing recognition of the need to regulate and harness AI’s potential. Overall, Vietnam’s proactive measures aim to combat disinformation and secure its online ecosystem.READ THE ARTICLE

  • Generative AI

    Microsoft, TikTok give generative AI a sort of memory

    ZDnet, 07/01/23. In recent research, two approaches have emerged to enhance generative AI models like ChatGPT. The first, called LongMem, incorporates a memory bank and a secondary neural network to improve long-form information processing. LongMem outperformed existing models, showcasing its potential. The second approach, SCM, developed by ByteDance, enables models to store and recall past interactions for better contextual understanding. Both methods extend attention-based algorithms and are likely to become standard in future language models. These advancements contribute to the ongoing evolution of AI capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text.READ THE ARTICLE

  • Tools

    Best AI Text Generators in 2023

    Martechpost, 07/01/23. Technology has revolutionized the way we live our lives, making tasks easier and communication seamless. It has bridged gaps, connecting people from all corners of the globe. However, with these advancements, we must not forget the importance of human connection. Technology should be seen as a tool that enhances our lives, rather than replace face-to-face interactions. Building meaningful relationships, experiencing emotions, and engaging in deep conversations are vital for personal growth and happiness. Embracing technology while prioritizing human connection is the key to a balanced and fulfilling life.READ THE ARTICLE

  • Journalism

    CNET’s Publisher Preparing to Kickstart the AI Content Engine

    Futurism, 07/01/23. Red Ventures, the owner of CNET, is embarking on a major AI-driven transformation. In a recent all-hands meeting, Red Ventures CEO Ric Elias outlined the company’s plan to make generative AI a central part of its business model. Elias believes that AI will revolutionize the company and bring about positive changes. However, recent incidents of error-ridden AI content published by Bankrate, a sister site of CNET, raise concerns about the reliability and quality of AI-generated content. Red Ventures is committed to using AI ethically and ensuring privacy. The future of Red Ventures and its brands remain uncertain, but the company is determined to embrace AI and unlock its potential.READ THE ARTICLE

  • Models

    What is a “corpus”? And why is everyone in AI suddenly talking about it? Here’s what you need to know

    Fast Company, 07/01/23. The importance of setting goals in life cannot be overstated. Setting goals gives us direction and purpose, as well as a sense of accomplishment when we achieve them. Goals provide us with a roadmap to success, allowing us to focus our time and energy on what truly matters to us. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals, we can overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and continuously strive for personal growth. In short, setting goals is essential for leading a fulfilling and purposeful life.READ THE ARTICLE

  • Enterprise

    How businesses can break through the ChatGPT hype with ‘workable AI’

    VentureBeat, 07/01/23. The essay discusses the potential of generative AI and how it can become a true paradigm shift in business. It draws parallels with the Big Data era and highlights the importance of analyzing data to create sustainable value. The essay emphasizes the need for three essential elements in AI platforms: generative AI models, user interfaces, and a trust system. It also stresses the importance of governance, transparency, and explainability to build confidence in AI. Furthermore, it mentions the numerous applications of generative AI and suggests that experimenting and focusing on Workable AI will lead to transformative technologies.READ THE ARTICLE