July 19, 2023

  • Customer Support

    ‘Training My Replacement’: Inside a Call Center Worker’s Battle With A.I.

    The New York Times, 07/19/23. The increasing integration of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in customer service roles has sparked concerns about job security for workers like Ylonda Sherrod, a vice president of her union chapter at AT&T’s call center. A.I. tools automate tasks and create a more challenging work environment for human representatives. Labor unions are advocating for measures to protect workers, but the potential impact of A.I. on jobs remains a pressing issue. As technology advances, striking a balance between A.I. assistance and human engagement will be crucial to safeguarding livelihoods and preserving the human touch in customer interactions. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Jobs

    AI-skills job postings jump 450%; here’s what companies want

    ComputerWorld, 07/19/23. The demand for job skills related to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is rapidly increasing. According to a report from Upwork, job postings related to GenAI have jumped more than 450% from a year ago. Roles gaining popularity include prompt engineers, AI content creators, machine learning engineers, data scientists, and AI chatbot developers. The rise of AI is evident, with AI now being the fastest-growing category on Upwork. This trend is also reflected on LinkedIn, where job postings mentioning “GPT” or “ChatGPT” have increased nearly sixfold in the past year. As AI continues to evolve, continuous learning and upskilling in AI-related skills will be crucial for professionals to remain competitive in the job market. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Education

    Productively and Painlessly Integrating Gen AI Into Your Fall Classes

    Inside Higher Education, 07/19/23. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace has highlighted the importance of integrating AI education into higher education. Employers are increasingly seeking candidates with AI skills, and it is crucial that our learners are prepared for the changing job market. By giving our learners the experience of using generative AI, we can prepare them for job interviews, career advancement, and efficient practices in the workplace. Integrating AI into our classes can be done by supplementing current course materials with assignments that explore the capabilities of generative AI apps. This small step will not only benefit our learners but also open the door to their curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. READ THE ARTICLE

  • IT

    IT spending soars, generative AI investments barely leave a mark

    CIO Dive, 07/19/23. According to Gartner’s analysis, global IT spending is projected to reach $4.7 trillion by the end of the year, with a year-over-year increase of 4.3%. Despite the rise of generative AI tools, they have not yet had a significant impact on enterprise spending. Gartner suggests that generative AI will be incorporated through existing spending channels. IT spending forecasts have been fluctuating this year, but enterprise tech investments are outpacing inflation. This is due to organizations prioritizing optimization and shifting towards technologies that enable automation and efficiency. Software is expected to have the highest growth rate, while the market for devices and data center systems may contract. CIOs should consider their options and develop a strategy for implementing AI in their organizations. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Social Media

    Fully AI-Generated Influencers Are Getting Thousands of Reactions Per Thirst Trap

    Yahoo, 07/19/23. The rise of CGI-generated virtual influencers has transformed influencer culture, with AI now being integrated into the mix. AI-powered image generators are being used to fabricate entire feeds of internet personalities that do not exist in reality. These accounts, predominantly featuring conventionally attractive women, attract tens of thousands of seemingly human fans and garner high engagement on social media platforms. While the fascination with these AI-generated influencers raises questions about their authenticity and the motivations of their followers, it undeniably adds a new layer of distance from reality in the world of online influencers. READ THE ARTICLE