May 2, 2023

  • Journalism

    AI Is Tearing Wikipedia Apart

    Vice, 05/02/23. The increasing presence of generative artificial intelligence has sparked a divisive debate within the Wikipedia community. While some recognize the benefits of large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT for content generation, others are wary of their potential pitfalls. Amy Bruckman highlights the need for meticulous editing and fact-checking, while the Wikimedia Foundation is working on policies to define boundaries and identify bot-generated content. Concerns over legal issues, biases, and exploitation of data also arise. The responsible use of AI and preserving human engagement remain crucial, with in-text attribution and existing strategies being essential tools in addressing these challenges. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Ethics

    We need to bring consent to AI

    MIT Technology Review, 05/02/23. The departure of Geoffrey Hinton from Google sheds light on the consent issue in AI. OpenAI’s “incognito” mode gives users control over their data, aligning with European regulators’ demands. Despite OpenAI denying GDPR influence, critics argue that compliance pressure has improved the product. The demand for user control, exemplified by image training opt-outs, highlights the need for consent in AI development. Establishing a consent layer becomes crucial in navigating the AI landscape. READ THE ARTICLE

  • SMB

    Smaller businesses are ready to embrace AI

    Beta News, 05/02/23. The SMB landscape is transforming with technology and economic shifts, as revealed by a DigitalOcean report. 61% of SMBs expect increased use of AI, especially among younger groups. While 70% have experimented with ChatGPT, only 9% have policies governing its implementation. Cloud infrastructure choices are influenced by cost, functionality, reliability, security, and simplicity. Security is the top challenge, followed by maintenance time and costs. SMBs are evolving beyond traditional structures, leveraging emerging tech like AI. Economic realities have spurred growth from side hustles to scaling startups. Digital-driven SMBs span industries and locations, embracing cloud computing’s accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Despite high demand for software developers, 51% of tech-focused SMBs prefer hiring them, indicating a shift in preferences. Technology serves as a catalyst for growth and innovation for SMBs. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Bans

    Samsung Reportedly Bans Use of Generative AI Tools

    CNET, 05/02/23. Samsung recently imposed a policy prohibiting its employees from using popular generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing due to security concerns. The decision comes after an incident where internal source code was accidentally leaked by uploading it to ChatGPT. Samsung is reviewing security measures to ensure a safe environment for generative AI before allowing its usage again. READ THE ARTICLE

  •  Challenges

    7 speed bumps on the road to AI

    InfoWorld, 05/02/23. The emergence of AI butterflies, with their impressive language skills and versatile abilities, has captivated us all. They paint vivid pictures and compose symphonies, yet lurking beneath this wonder are serious issues we must confront. From resource scarcity to ethical dilemmas, labor inequality to destructive potential, we must address these challenges to responsibly integrate AI into our society. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Jobs

    AI: Which jobs are most at risk from the technology?

    BBC, 05/02/23. As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves, businesses seek to exploit its potential, despite warnings from experts like Geoffrey Hinton. The notion of AI chatbots surpassing human intelligence spurs business leaders to adopt ChatGPT-style technology. AI’s efficiency in tasks like summarizing customer complaints captivates with cost-effective and precise outcomes. However, concerns arise over job displacement and societal consequences as AI progresses rapidly. While AI can revolutionize resistant sectors, its swift implementation may surpass workers’ adaptability, leading to economic and social crises. The shifting employment landscape and required skill sets challenge traditional career choices in the automation era. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Impact

    How to prepare for the impact of AI everywhere

    Information Age, 05/02/23. Generative AI, embodied by Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT, is reshaping the business landscape. This AI democratization empowers organizations, making AI a pervasive ‘copilot’ that reinvents processes. But to drive innovation and trust, leaders must adopt an AI-first mindset, viewing AI as an assistant, not a replacement. Prioritizing data quality, ethics, and employee learning, businesses can unlock the potential of generative AI and thrive in a changing technological landscape. READ THE ARTICLE