May 20, 2023

  • Regulation

    Congress Really Wants to Regulate A.I., But No One Seems to Know How

    The New Yorker, 05/20/23. OpenAI’s warning about the risks of its text generator, GPT-2, went unheeded as they released GPT-4, leading to concerns about misinformation and manipulation. The recent Senate hearing on AI regulation discussed the need for testing, disclosure, and liability. However, the focus on regulatory agencies overlooks the immediate dangers. With elections approaching, action is needed to prevent the manipulation of voters and the erosion of democratic processes. Lawmakers must act swiftly to address the risks posed by AI. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Jobs

    The Optimist’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence and Work

    The New York Times, 05/20/23. The rise of AI sparks both fear and potential. While automation may replace certain tasks, AI can also complement human labor and create new job opportunities.

    Tools like ChatGPT enhance productivity and customer satisfaction. And, technology historically has led to job creation. But the right choices in design, use, and regulation are crucial. Worker qualification and job quality must be in the mix. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Skills

    How AI can save you time: 5 skills you no longer need to learn

    Euronews, 05/20/23. AI’s use has surged, automating basic tasks and prompting the skipping of certain skills. Writing, art design, data entry, data analysis, and video editing are now tasks AI can handle. However, human collaboration remains crucial for AI’s proper functioning. As we adapt to an AI-driven world, skills like creativity and critical thinking become increasingly valuable. Let us embrace AI’s potential to free us from mundane tasks, allowing us to focus on what truly adds value to our lives. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Generative AI

    Fear the fire or harness the flame: The future of generative AI

    VentureBeat, 05/20/23. Generative AI, led by ChatGPT, has sparked global fascination and concern. Researchers observe human-like responses surpassing dataset mimicry, hinting at artificial general intelligence (AGI). Upgrades to language models by Google and OpenAI further fuel progress. While occasional flaws persist, regulation calls intensify. AGI worries range from existential risks to doubts on AI’s influence. Striking a balance, responsible development and regulation are essential. AI’s potential, likened to fire, necessitates cautious handling to harness benefits and avert harm. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Sports

    AI Takes the Wheel at the Indy Autonomous Challenge

    CNET, 05/20/23. The Indy Autonomous Challenge is a global competition where teams develop AI drivers for high-speed racing. The winning team set a world record for autonomous driving on a racetrack. Donated hardware ensured a level playing field. The challenge will continue in Italy at the Monza F1 Racing Circuit, testing AI drivers on a more realistic track. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Healthcare

    The AI healthcare revolution has begun

    Freethink, 05/20/23. Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential as a game-changing medical breakthrough. With its ability to enhance diagnostics, expedite drug discovery, and assist in robotic surgeries, AI offers significant advancements in healthcare. However, patient acceptance remains a challenge, as surveys reveal concerns and discomfort regarding AI’s role in medical decision-making. To maximize the benefits of AI, addressing patient concerns and ensuring transparency are crucial for its successful integration into clinical practice. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Tools

    How to Generate AI Images With Stable Diffusion on a Mac

    Make Use Of, 05/20/23. Artificial intelligence has advanced with tools like DALL-E and ChatGPT, but Stable Diffusion has revolutionized AI image generation. This text-to-image model utilizes a diffusion process, providing higher resolution and cost-effectiveness compared to DALL-E. Mac users can easily install Stable Diffusion using DiffusionBee. With a few simple steps, users can generate AI images by entering prompts and adjusting settings. While the generated images may not be flawless, Stable Diffusion continues to improve. Free tools are also available for text-based image generation. READ THE ARTICLE