October 1, 2023

  • IP

    What the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act Means for Artificial Intelligence Inventions

    IPWatchdog, 10/01/23. The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) is an ambitious bill that aims to address the Supreme Court’s decisions in Alice, Mayo, and Myriad. However, there are doubts about its effectiveness in patenting artificial intelligence (AI). The abstract nature of AI inventions often makes them susceptible to being classified as directed to abstract ideas, which could prevent them from being patentable. PERA seeks to eliminate the judicial exceptions to patent eligibility, ensuring a fair assessment of AI and other technologies based on their uniqueness compared to prior art. This would provide a fighting chance for innovators and promote fact-based fairness in patentability determinations. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Education

    Northwest Arkansas educators grapple with use of AI in classrooms

    Arkansas Democrat Gazette, 10/01/23. Educators in Northwest Arkansas are embracing the use of ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, to assist students in their learning journey. They emphasize the importance of using the tool as a supplement to instruction rather than relying on it entirely. While ChatGPT can help students start projects, generate ideas, and overcome writer’s block, educators acknowledge its limitations and the need for fact-checking. Concerns about accuracy and potential cheating also exist, prompting teachers to adopt strategies to ensure academic integrity. Despite these challenges, educators believe in fostering critical thinking and intellectual development, and they view AI as a tool to be used ethically and responsibly. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Deepfakes

    Tom Hanks Warns Fans About ‘AI Version of Me’ Promoting Dental Plan: ‘I Have Nothing to Do With It’

    Variety, 10/01/23. Tom Hanks took to Instagram to warn fans about a promotional video for a dental plan featuring an AI version of himself. The actor made it clear that he has nothing to do with it. Hanks has previously discussed the impact of artificial intelligence and deepfake technology in the creative industries. He mentioned that it is now possible for performances to continue even after an actor’s death through AI and deepfake. Hanks acknowledged the artistic and legal challenges posed by this technology, as discussions on intellectual property rights are ongoing among guilds, agencies, and legal firms. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Humanity

    Why Manners Matter in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    Medium, 10/01/23. As AI becomes more prevalent in our society, it is crucial to establish proper etiquette and codes of conduct for human-machine interactions. Teaching AI systems etiquette has numerous benefits. It makes humans feel more comfortable engaging with AI, and it enables AI to effectively operate in human spaces. The rise of AI in social roles highlights the need for manners and etiquette. Without etiquette training, AI systems risk offending human sensibilities and limiting mainstream acceptance. Guidelines and etiquette tutelage are essential for the harmonious coexistence and cooperation of humans and AI. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Jobs

    AI assistants boost productivity but paradoxically risk human deskilling

    VentureBeat, 10/01/23. Recent research shows that incorporating AI, such as ChatGPT, into knowledge work can lead to significant productivity gains. Consultants using AI outperformed those without AI by completing more tasks, finishing tasks more quickly, and producing higher quality results. This study also found that AI acts as a skill-leveler, benefiting lower performers the most. However, highly skilled workers saw little improvement. These findings have implications for the workforce, including the potential for higher revenues, a broader range of skills, and possible downsizing. Companies must carefully leverage AI’s strengths while preserving human skills and judgment. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Models

    When Hordes of Little AI Chatbots Are More Useful Than Giants Like ChatGPT

    Singularity Hub, 10/01/23. The future of AI chatbots is evolving from generic models like ChatGPT to more specialized ones. These specialized chatbots will be better equipped to cater to specific industries or geographic areas. However, acquiring training data for advanced large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT poses challenges and increasing costs for companies. Synthetic data, created by AI systems, is a potential solution, but it needs to strike a balance between being different enough to provide new insights and similar enough to be accurate. In addition, the demand for human feedback will likely grow to correct inaccuracies in AI models trained on synthetic data. As a result, little language models tailored for specific purposes may emerge as a trend in AI. These models, developed with expert knowledge and feedback from employees, can overcome the limitations of less data and provide more valuable insights. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Retail

    To combat rising retail theft, Harris Teeter uses AI cameras to track self-checkouts

    The News & Observer, 10/01/23. The importance of community involvement cannot be overstated. When individuals actively participate in their communities, they not only contribute to the betterment of society but also experience personal growth and fulfillment. By volunteering, joining local organizations, or attending community events, individuals build strong relationships with others and create a sense of belonging. They also gain valuable skills, broaden their perspectives, and become more empathetic towards others. In essence, community involvement fosters a sense of unity and strengthens the fabric of society. READ THE ARTICLE