October 26, 2023

  • Enterprise

    How AI Can Help Leaders Make Better Decisions Under Pressure

    Harvard Business Review, 10/26/23. In today’s fast-paced business world, leaders and managers are under immense pressure to make critical decisions. Research has shown that decision stress is a common experience for business leaders, with the volume of decisions increasing significantly in recent years. To address this challenge, many organizations are turning to AI-powered technologies to enhance decision-making capabilities. These technologies, such as virtual assistants and data analytics platforms, can help bridge the data-insight gap and provide valuable insights in time-critical situations. However, there are also challenges and risks associated with using AI decision-making technologies. Business leaders must carefully consider the contexts in which these technologies are likely to be beneficial and develop strategies to mitigate potential risks. By effectively harnessing the power of AI, business leaders can make more informed decisions while navigating the complexities of the digital age. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Models

    Pigeons problem-solve similarly to artificial intelligence, research shows

    The Guardian, 10/26/23. A recent study has discovered that pigeons demonstrate problem-solving abilities that are similar to artificial intelligence (AI). Pigeons, often underestimated as pests, are intelligent animals capable of intricate tasks, memory recall, navigation, and even life-saving acts. The study involved 24 pigeons that were given various visual tasks and found that they learned to categorize stimuli over time. The researchers noted that pigeons’ decision-making mechanisms aligned with those used in AI models, suggesting that nature has developed an effective algorithm for complex learning tasks. These findings have the potential to enhance our understanding of brain damage and cognition in humans. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Training

    New Training Method Helps AI Generalize like People Do

    Scientific American, 10/26/23. A new study suggests that the key to developing flexible machine-learning models lies in how they are trained, rather than the amount of training data they receive. This research could lead to more error-free artificial intelligence models and provide insights into how AI systems and humans learn. The study focused on compositionality, the ability to understand relationships between components and generalize from them, which is considered a key principle of human cognition. By training a standard transformer model through a specially designed set of tasks, researchers were able to improve its ability to interpret information in a way similar to human reasoning. The findings demonstrate that a targeted approach to training could help AI algorithms achieve better performance without relying solely on vast amounts of data. However, it is important to note that the study’s results do not imply the achievement of artificial general intelligence, where AI surpasses human capacity in most tasks. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Enterprise

    Run Generative AI on-premises, with a cloud experience

    CIO, 10/26/23. When deciding whether to run generative AI applications in the public cloud or on-premises, IT leaders must carefully consider their specific business needs. While the public cloud offers agility and innovation acceleration, there are certain factors that may favor an on-premises approach. Data security, regulatory requirements, and control over the technology are key considerations. On-premises deployment allows for greater control over data and access, reducing the risk of data breaches and addressing concerns about “shadow AI.” Additionally, real-time interactions may require minimizing latency, and cost control is often easier on-premises. Ultimately, a hybrid approach may provide the best of both worlds by combining the flexibility of the public cloud with the security and control of an on-premises solution. Dell APEX Cloud Platforms offer a unified cloud experience, enabling optimal deployment of GenAI apps and supporting digital transformation efforts. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Marketing

    Boosting PR Campaign Performance with Artificial Intelligence

    AiThority, 10/26/23. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the field of public relations (PR) in numerous ways, despite initial concerns. A report by PR consultancy firm W7Worldwide underscores AI’s potential to benefit PR professionals. AI empowers them with data-driven insights for better campaign optimization and content creation, while chatbots and virtual assistants streamline tasks. However, challenges like job displacement and ethical concerns must be addressed. PR professionals are urged to embrace AI, acquire new skills, and stay updated to maintain industry leadership in this evolving landscape.