September 22, 2023

  • Models

    Danish AI Trained on Data From a Web Forum About Horses

    Bloomberg, 09/22/23. The text is a prompt asking the user to confirm that they are not a robot by clicking a box. It does not provide enough information to write a 75-word essay. However, I can provide a brief response based on the given text. The prompt serves as a security measure to ensure that only human users can proceed. By clicking the box, users demonstrate their humanity and gain access to the desired content or action. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Tools

    AI Notetaking Tools Are All the Rage – But Should You Use Them? Employers Should Weigh These Risks First

    Fisher Phillips, 09/22/23. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) notetakers in meetings has become increasingly popular, offering benefits such as transcribing conversations and providing summaries. However, there are potential risks that should be considered before implementing AI notetaking programs. These include obtaining proper consent, inhibiting meeting participation, data privacy considerations, data security issues, confidentiality concerns, attorney-client privilege, record retention and discovery during litigation, and potential bias and context issues. To develop effective AI notetaker policies, it is important to carefully select a vendor, inform participants, create a written policy, train managers and employees, conduct audits, and seek legal counsel. With proper precautions and guidelines, AI notetaking can greatly enhance meeting documentation and productivity. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Travel

    Google’s AI Tool Can Now Help You Plan Your Next Vacation β€” Here’s How

    Travel and Leisure, 09/22/23. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we plan our vacations. Google’s Bard AI service now offers several new features that make it easier for travelers. By integrating with Google products like Gmail, Google Flights, and Google Maps, Bard acts as a personal concierge, helping users with tasks such as determining flight duration, preferences, and finding things to do at their destinations. This integration also allows travelers to find discounts on flights and discover new destinations. Bard is currently available for free, making trip planning more efficient and enjoyable. With AI, the future of vacation planning looks promising. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Education

    AI in schools creates greater risk for marginalized students, researchers find, 09/22/23. The introduction of ChatGPT in schools created panic among educators, leading to the implementation of rules and even bans on the use of artificial intelligence programs in schoolwork. However, research from the Center for Democracy & Technology suggests that there is a mismatch between what teachers think students are doing and what students are actually doing with generative AI. This mismatch can create mistrust and an adversarial relationship between teachers and students. Additionally, students with disabilities are more likely to use generative AI and face potential consequences. Schools and districts should consider existing protections and ensure that policies and practices do not disproportionately harm marginalized students. Monitoring digital activity on personal devices also raises concerns about privacy and equitable treatment. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Art

    β€˜Is It Good Enough to Fool My Gallerist?’

    The New York Times, 09/22/23. David Salle, a renowned artist, has taken on the challenge of mentoring an unconventional student – an artificial intelligence (AI) program. Working with technologists Danika Laszuk and Grant Davis, Salle aims to test the AI’s capacity to create sophisticated art. Through weekly meetings, they have tailored a text-to-image model that generates images in Salle’s style. The AI program has shown progress, adopting Salle’s techniques and producing artwork with a sense of depth and volume. This collaboration not only pushes boundaries but also raises questions about the nature of art and authorship in the age of AI. READ THE ARTICLE