April 9, 2023


Opinion: An AI takeover is not inevitable — if we value creative work

Los Angeles Times, 04/09/23. The hype around AI has led to discussion about whether a bot could or should take over writing tasks. Even with their limitations, tools like ChatGPT and automated image generators are becoming common. The investments companies invest in AI tools will likely lead to cost cutting through layoffs and the diminished perceived value creative work.

Automation is the next chapter in the tale of ever-cheaper content. However, creative work should be recognized as a highly skilled practice that deserves robust funding and support. READ MORE


Doomsday to utopia: Meet AI’s rival factions

The Washington Post, 04/09/23. Silicon Valley’s AI sector is divided over new AI technology. Some are pushing for development while others caution against its risks.

Subgroups with contradictory views include AI safety, AGI believers, AI doomers, and AI ethicists. AI safety ensures AI systems obey their programmer’s intentions, while AGI believers aim to build software that reaches artificial general intelligence. AI ethicists warn about problems with larger AI models, including bias. Some argue the technology must be created without harming vulnerable communities. READ MORE


Expedia CEO Looks to AI to ‘Rebalance’ Dependence on Google

Skift, 04/09/23. Expedia hopes that emerging AI technologies, will decrease their reliance on Google for travel advertising. CEO Peter Kern has expressed a desire for a more balanced market. The company has already implemented an OpenAI ChatGPT-powered chatbot and become an OpenAI plug-in partner.

The travel industry has made failed in its previous attempts to find an alternative to Google’s advertising. Generative AI is seen as a potentially more far-reaching solution. READ MORE


Meta AI Releases the Segment Anything Model (SAM): A New AI Model That Can Cut Out Any Object In A Image/Video With A Single Click

MARKTECHPOST, 04/09/23. Computer vision relies on segmentation to identify objects in images. Building an accurate model requires human experts and large annotated data.

Meta AI’s Segment Anything project introduces a new task, dataset, and model for image segmentation. SAM can execute interactive and automated segmentation tasks and generalize to new types of objects and images, making it a versatile and efficient tool. READ MORE


Synthesis versus Innovation: A Practical Guide to Protecting IP When Using AI Technology

IPWatchdog, 04/09/23. AI systems generate a wide range of content but protecting that content presents challenges. Under current intellectual property laws, such workt is not eligible for protection.

To legally protect such content, creators must document their contributions and those of the AI system thoroughly. Distinguishing between synthesis and innovation is also important, as they carry different meanings in intellectual property law. READ MORE