
  • Robotics

    Robot Hands Can Match Humans’ Dexterity With New AI Smarts, Claims Nvidia

    Decrypt, 10/22/23. Nvidia researchers have developed an AI agent called Eureka, which has significantly improved the dexterity of robots. Using generative AI and trial-and-error reinforcement learning, Eureka can teach robots complex skills such as pen-spinning tricks. The technique is more effective than human-authored programs and has been applied to various robots, including those with quadruped, dexterous hands, and cobot arms. Nvidia’s SteerLM is another AI system that leverages advances in language models to improve AI assistant alignment through practice conversations and user feedback. Both Eureka and SteerLM demonstrate Nvidia’s innovation in steering AI with language models, pushing the boundaries of hardware and software applications in robotics and AI. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    Stacking Boxes? Treating Cancer? AI Needs to Learn Physics First

    The Wall Street Journal, 10/16/23. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made headlines with its conversational prowess, but its potential extends far beyond chatbots. To tackle complex real-world problems in fields like robotics, science, and engineering, AI needs to learn physics. Integrating physics knowledge into AI, known as “physics-informed neural networks” or “scientific machine learning,” provides a solid foundation for problem-solving. It narrows down the solution space, making AI predictions more accurate and efficient. This approach is already benefiting industries such as electric vehicles, healthcare, and robotics, offering exciting possibilities for AI to excel in diverse applications by embracing the laws of the natural world. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    And that’s how it all started: AI managed to design a robot that walks — from scratch, and in less than 60 seconds

    TechRadar, 10/08/23. Scientists at Northwestern University have developed an AI system that can create a miniature walking robot in just 26 seconds. Unlike other AI systems that require immense computing power, this algorithm runs on a normal PC. By inputting the prompt to design a robot that can walk across a flat surface, the AI quickly generated a unique blueprint for the robot. This process, dubbed “instant evolution,” bypasses the limitations and biases of human designers, allowing for rapid progress in robotics. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, Applied to AI

    Psychology Today, 10/07/23. In light of the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics have become a crucial reference point. However, with the emergence of language model advancements like LLMs, it is necessary to revisit and recalibrate these guiding principles. Asimov’s laws, introduced in 1942, need to be adapted to the modern AI landscape. Instead of focusing on physical robots, we should prioritize human welfare and societal well-being. We must establish ethical guidelines for AI, while actively addressing and mitigating biases and discrimination. This ongoing journey aims to align AI with humanistic values and ensure a better future for humanity. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    The big AI and robotics concept that has attracted both Walmart and Softbank

    CNBC, 10/07/23. Symbotic, a software and robotics maker based in Wilmington, Mass., is partnering with venture-capital giant Softbank in a joint venture called GreenBox Systems. The partnership aims to deliver AI-powered logistics and warehousing as a service to smaller companies, tapping into a potential $500 billion market. Symbotic’s technology, which combines AI and robotics, has already gained traction in the market, with Walmart being its biggest customer. The joint venture with Softbank will allow Symbotic to reach smaller companies that couldn’t afford the required investment, revolutionizing the way warehouses operate and boosting efficiency and profits. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    AI drones to help farmers optimize vegetable yields

    Science Daily, 10/04/23. Farmers are constantly looking to maximize their crop yields for food security and economic reasons. However, variations in crop quality and size make it challenging to determine the optimal time for harvesting. To address this, a new approach utilizing drones and artificial intelligence has been developed. By carefully analyzing individual crops, this system accurately predicts their growth characteristics. This innovative solution not only reduces waste but also improves farmers’ income. With low-cost drones and computers readily available, the commercial implementation of this system is within reach for many farmers. READ THE ARTICLE

  • Robotics

    Instant evolution: AI designs new robot from scratch in seconds

    Science Daily, 10/03/23. Researchers at Northwestern University have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) program that can intelligently design robots from scratch. In a groundbreaking experiment, the AI program was able to design a robot capable of walking across a flat surface in just seconds. Unlike other AI systems that require energy-intensive supercomputers and large datasets, this program runs on a lightweight personal computer. The researchers believe that this AI-designed tool represents a new era in artificial life and opens up possibilities for designing robots that can directly impact the world. The study will be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. READ THE ARTICLE