February 11, 2023

ai Hype Cycle

ChatGPT Hype is Proof Nobody Really Understands AI

Medium, 02/11/23. The hype surrounding AI and chatbots like ChatGPT is largely due to a lack of understanding of their true capabilities and limitations.

Despite advancements in the field, AI systems can still struggle with tasks requiring common sense or empathy, and can perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on. There is also a risk of over-reliance on AI, as people may come to rely on it for tasks it is not equipped to handle.

To ensure AI is used to its full potential, it is important to approach it with caution and have a realistic understanding of its limitations. By doing so, we can avoid negative consequences from over-reliance on this technology and ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner. READ MORE


An AI more impressive than ChatGPT is here

Medium, 02/11/23. Action Transformers are a new type of AI technology in the field of reinforcement learning that predict the next action to take instead of just the expected outcome.

This approach has several advantages including improved sample efficiency, the ability to handle large action spaces, and better generalization to new environments. READ ARTICLE

use case

Japan Eateries to Deploy AI Cameras in Fight Against ‘Sushi Terrorism’

PCMag, 02/11/23. Japan is taking steps to combat “sushi terrorism” with the deployment of AI cameras in its restaurants.

Sushi terrorism refers to customers who take excessive amounts of condiments, such as soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger, or cause other forms of wastage. The cameras will use AI to monitor customers and flag any instances of misuse, allowing restaurant owners to intervene before waste becomes excessive.

The use of AI technology to curb food waste is a proactive approach by Japan to address a growing problem in the country’s restaurant industry. Not only does it help to reduce food waste, but it also ensures that customers are using condiments in a responsible and considerate manner. READ MORE

ai & blockchain

The Future of Technology: The Power of AI and Blockchain Integration

Medium, 02/11/23. AI can provide the processing power and data analysis capabilities needed to make decentralized systems more intelligent, while blockchain can provide the secure and transparent record-keeping that is necessary for AI to function effectively.

Together, these technologies can be used to create new, more efficient and secure systems for a variety of industries. By leveraging the strengths of both AI and blockchain, the future of technology promises to bring increased automation, improved security, and greater transparency to virtually every aspect of our lives. READ THE ARTICLE