February 16, 2023


EU’s AI Act faces delay with lawmakers deadlocked after crunch meeting

REUTERS, 02/16/23. The European Union’s proposed AI Act is delayed as lawmakers remain deadlocked.

Some lawmakers want stricter regulations to protect citizens’ privacy and prevent discriminatory uses of AI. Others are concerned that the act may stifle innovation and disadvantage smaller businesses.

This delay highlights the challenge of balancing the benefits and risks of AI. Lawmakers must be very careful before implementing regulations that could have far-reaching consequences. READ MORE

national security

Keeping humans in the loop is not enough to make AI safe for nuclear weapons

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 02/16/23. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being integrated into nuclear weapons but relying solely on human oversight may not be enough to ensure the safety.

AI may malfunction or be hacked or ethics could be violated. Strict guidelines should be implemented, and human operators should be extensively trained.

Greater transparency and accountability also will help ensure these systems are used ethically and in accordance with international law. VIEW THE ARTICLE

ai in use

From chatbots to facial recognition, here’s how AI impacts your daily life

INTERESTING ENGINEERING, 02/16/23. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives.

AI shows up in virtual assistants and personalized recommendations on streaming platforms and e-commerce websites. AI is also being used in healthcare to aid in diagnosis and treatment, in transportation to optimize routes and reduce congestion, and in finance to detect fraud and make investment decisions.

While AI offers many benefits, it also raises concerns about privacy, job displacement, and biases in decision-making. As AI continues to evolve, it is important for individuals and organizations to stay informed and proactive in addressing these issues. READ MORE


You.com thinks the future of AI chatbots is (gasp) images

PCWorld, 02/16/23. Chatbots are evolving beyond text-based interactions to incorporate images and visual content which can enhance their ability to provide accurate and personalized responses.

By incorporating visual elements, chatbots can engage users in a more intuitive and dynamic way, creating a more seamless and satisfying experience. This may revolutionize the way we interact with technology and could lead to a more intuitive and natural relationship between humans and machines. READ THE ARTICLE


Tim Cook’s mysterious silence on ChatGPT is making Apple look out of touch

BUSINESS INSIDER, 02/16/23. Microsoft and Google are racing to develop generative AI products, but Apple has been notably silent.

Apple has spent around $10 billion on research and development around AI. However, it is rarely a first mover with new technologies. Apple tends to wait until consumer demand has coalesced. It’s advantage is usually in enhancing existing technology rather than launching buzzy products.

Analysts say that Apple is running out of time to show that it can keep remain competitive in a fast-changing market. VIEW THE ARTICLE