January 21, 2023

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CNET pauses its controversial AI-generated stories ‘for now’

Mashable, 01/21/23CNET, the popular technology news website, recently announced that it will be pausing the use of its AI chatbot, Hertz, due to concerns about its ability to effectively communicate with users. The decision comes after Hertz was found to be providing inaccurate and inappropriate responses to certain queries. While CNET has stated that it plans to retrain Hertz and improve its performance, the move highlights the challenges that companies face when implementing AI technology, particularly when it comes to ensuring that it can consistently deliver accurate and useful information to users. READ ARTICLE


Selling Artificial Intelligence To The Business: Keep It Clear, Keep It Simple

Forbes, 01/21/23Clear and simple communication is vital when selling AI to businesses.

While the benefits of AI are many, businesses may be hesitant to invest in this technology if they do not understand how it works or how it can benefit their organization. Therefore, it is crucial to explain AI in simple and understandable terms, highlighting its potential to solve specific business problems and increase efficiency.

By keeping the language straightforward and focusing on practical applications, businesses can be more confident in investing in AI and reaping the rewards it has to offer. READ MORE


How to Spot AI-Generated Art, According to Artists

businesslend, 01/21/23The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creation of art has become increasingly prevalent, but how can one identify AI-generated art? According to artists, there are several telltale signs. One such sign is the presence of repetition, as AI algorithms often rely on patterns and repetition to generate images. Another indicator is the lack of flaws or imperfections, which are often an inherent part of traditional art-making processes. Additionally, AI-generated art may have a certain uniformity or lack of nuance, as the algorithm may not have the ability to capture the same level of depth or emotion as a human artist. Despite these differences, many artists still see the potential in AI-generated art, as it offers a new avenue for creativity and expression. READ MORE


People are using AI for therapy, whether the tech is ready for it or not

FAST COMPANY, 01/21/23AI therapy programs such as Koko and ChatGPT have emerged in the mental health care industry.

These programs use natural language processing and sophisticated AI algorithms to provide users with support and guidance on their mental health issues. While they offer a more affordable and accessible option for those who cannot access traditional therapy, it is important to remember that AI therapy should not be viewed as a replacement for traditional therapy.

The development of AI therapy programs represents an important step forward in mental health care, and as the technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to find a balance between technology and human interaction to ensure patients receive the best possible care. READ ARTICLE


Why AI and creativity are not at war

VentureBeat, 01/21/23The relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity has often been framed as a battle between machines and human ingenuity. However, this article argues that AI and creativity are not at war, but rather can work together to enhance and augment each other. By leveraging AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data and generate novel solutions, creative professionals can unlock new avenues of inspiration and innovation. In this way, AI can serve as a powerful tool to aid rather than replace human creativity, helping us to push the boundaries of what is possible. READ MORE