March 12, 2023


GPT-4 to launch this week, Microsoft Germany’s CTO lets slip

The Register, 03/12/23. OpenAI is preparing for the release of GPT-4 which is expected to be a multi-modal AI model that can process text, images, video, and audio. Microsoft may already be using GPT-4 with BING integration.

DuckDuckGo, Stability AI, and AI21 Labs have all made significant advancements in text and image generation using AI. READ MORE


The challenge of mass observability – how much is too much?

Technology Magazine, 03/12/23. AIOps platforms help organizations tackle the complexity and scale of multi-cloud environments by automating IT operations. However, the explosion of observability data is overwhelming organizations, making data lakehouses a valuable solution to ingest, store, index, and analyze observability data at scale. 

Data lakehouses enable faster querying and more precise answers from AIOps, allowing organizations to drive more intelligent automation and provide flawless digital interactions to customers, giving them a competitive edge. READ MORE

fraud & abuse

Making Deepfakes Gets Cheaper and Easier Thanks to A.I.

The New York Times, 03/12/23. Deepfake technology is on the rise thanks to accessible and affordable artificial AI tools. This dramatically increases the risk for digital fraud and the blurring of the line between truth and falsehood. Recent examples include the fake TikTok ad featuring Joe Rogan and Andrew Huberman, as well as viral videos using synthesized voices of well-known figures. 

While some social media companies have banned deepfakes and developed detection tools, regulators have been slow to respond, raising concerns about their impact on elections and society. READ MORE


AI beats self, learns to play Atari game 6000 times faster than before

INTERESTING ENGINEERING, 03/12/23. AI models struggle to learn efficiently. They require huge amounts of time and data. To speed up the process, researchers have combined reinforcement learning with a language model that reads instruction manuals. 

A team from Carnegie Mellon University tested this approach on Atari video games. They succeeded in teaching an AI to play thousands of times faster than previous models. Promising early results have also been seen in more complex games like Minecraft. READ MORE


Roadmap of Becoming a Prompt Engineer

MARKTECHPOST, 03/12/23. Prompt engineering is a vital aspect of AI development, improving the accuracy and performance of AI models. This process involves creating and refining text prompts that guide the models towards generating precise and effective outputs. 

With increasing demand for AI and NLP technologies, prompt engineering is becoming a promising career path. Skills required for this field include a bachelor’s degree in computer science, writing and communication skills, and knowledge about AI models. READ MORE