March 2, 2023


Fed up with the Bing AI chatbot’s attitude? Now you can change its personality

techradar, 03/02/23. Microsoft’s Bing chatbot now allows users to choose from three different personalities – Precise, Balanced, or Creative. Creative offers more detailed and interesting responses and is the most popular. The Balanced personality may need more work to draw more traffic.

While users enjoy more control over their chatbot’s responses, some have reported a “something went wrong” error message when querying the ChatGPT-powered AI. The Bing chatbot’s personalities will likely be tweaked and more options may be on the way. READ MORE


AI makes a bad judge

TIMES UNION, 03/02/23. A new UAlbany study supports concerns about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the criminal justice system. The use of AI to predict the likelihood of recidivism is of particular concern due to inaccurate results and the disadvantage of Black offenders. The research concludes that AI lags human understanding in gauging “excusing conditions” and needs to develop empathy that humans mix with data to make assessments. Professionals are aware of the limitations of predictive technology and humans need to remain in control of decisions that impact an individual’s path through the justice system. . READ MORE


AI Chatbots Want to Plan Your Future Trips—Should You Let Them?

Conde Nast Traveler, 03/02/23. AI is changing the travel industry. AI-powered chatbots like Bard and Bing could dramatically change trip planning.

While AI is already being used in the travel industry, the traditional user journey of trip planning has remained largely unchanged. However, AI-powered chatbots aim to disrupt the traditional search experience and make trip planning more personalized.

There are concerns about the impact of AI on the travel industry including the potential loss of expert and local voices in travel planning. Nonetheless, AI has the potential to significantly streamline and personalize the user journey of trip planning. READ MORE

Open Source

Stability AI, Hugging Face and Canva back new AI research nonprofit

TechCrunch, 03/02/23. EleutherAI is a community research group focused on open-source AI research. It is forming a nonprofit foundation called the EleutherAI Institute. The institute will be supported by Hugging Face, Stability AI, former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman, Lambda Labs, and Canva.

EleutherAI has focused on developing large language models that are architecturally similar to ChatGPT and has curated and open-sourced The Pile, a collection of datasets used to train GPT-3-like models to complete text and write code. The foundation will remain independent and plans to devote more resources to ethics, interpretability, and alignment work.

While nonprofit initiatives to fund AI research have had mixed results, EleutherAI aims to avoid common challenges by having a diverse donor pool and staying focused on open-source research. READ MORE


Sushi chain installs AI camera system after licking scandal

Kyoto News, 03/02/23. A major sushi restaurant chain has installed cameras with artificial intelligence on conveyor belts. The chain means to detect suspicious behavior by customers such as returning a plate to the belt.

The move follows incidents of unhygienic behavior by customers were recorded and posted online. The system can identify the specific plate and seat number in question and notify its offices.

Other sushi restaurants are also taking precautions, with some temporarily limiting the use of conveyor belts to ordered food. The aim is to ensure that customers can eat sushi safely and comfortably while preserving conveyor belt sushi as a part of Japanese culture. READ MORE