March 30, 2023


Tell Artificial Intelligence to Get Lost!

Medium, 03/30/23. Geography and navigation have been a struggle for many. We’ve had to rely on the help of others and technology to find our way. Despite the difficulties, there is humor to be found such as when a mother thought the GPS voice might need a break.

Looking back, we should be grateful for friends who offer clear directions and patient exes who’ve printed out maps. As we struggle to find our way, we’ve got to cling to our sense of humor and lean on those around us. READ MORE


Preventing artificial deception in the age of AI

Computer Weekly, 03/30/23. Governments worldwide are grappling with the challenge of regulating AI to balance innovation with ethical and societal concerns. The UK government has adopted a pro-innovation approach by enabling current regulators to adapt existing regulations to AI development using common principles. 

Regulation must prioritize transparency, accountability, and fairness while ensuring ethical values align with societal benefits to build public trust and ensure successful integration of AI. Regulators must adopt a perpetual beta mindset that continually changes and adapts to developments in AI. READ MORE


AI or BS? How to tell if a marketing tool really uses artificial intelligence

The Drum, 03/30/23. The use of buzzwords by advertisers and publicists without understanding the underlying concepts is not a new phenomenon. ”Artificial intelligence” is no exception. 

While AI is a computer program that learns and improves itself by detecting patterns in data, it is often marketed as a superintelligence. This leads to exaggerated claims and fake AI products. The FTC has voiced concernes about such claims. So, marketers should verify if a product uses AI by checking if the company has an active data science team and if the product can learn and adjust on its own. 

AI can lead to a loss of creativity and create fake content, raising concerns about ownership of intellectual property. The marketing industry should avoid repeating buzzwords without verifying technical claims with independent experts. READ MORE


GPT-5 expected this year, could make ChatGPT indistinguishable from a human

INTERESTING ENGINEERING, 03/30/23. It has been claimed that GPT-5 will achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by the end of this year. If accurate, this advancement in AI technology could have far-reaching effects. 

Achieving AGI would mean that generative AI may be indistinguishable from a human. This could boost productivity by accelerating AI-enabled processes. At the same time, it could give an AI too much authority with unforeseen and negative effects. For example, autonomous bots might spread harmful misinformation and propaganda on social media platforms. 

While this claim is not a consensus belief within OpenAI, the possibility that non-zero people there believe it will get there is fascinating. This has sparked a conversation about the implications of AGI for the future of AI. READ MORE


Midjourney ends free trials of its AI image generator due to ‘extraordinary’ abuse

engadget, 03/30/23. The rise of AI image generators has led to both excitement and concern. Midjourney’s decision to end free use of its AI image generator due to high-profile deepfakes highlights the potential for misuse and misinformation. 

With concerns about stolen images and misleading content, there is a need for improved AI moderation that screens for abuse. Some developers have strict rules to prevent incidents but others are much more lenient. Despite the risks, some companies are embracing AI art in their products, while others remain hesitant about unwanted attention. READ MORE