March 27, 2023


Adobe Jumps Into The Generative AI Race With Firefly Creative Support

Forbes, 03/27/23. Adobe’s new Generative AI solution, Adobe Firefly, makes it easy for users with no graphic design experience to create images and text effects. 

Fire creates content from text prompts entered by users. Adobe aims to empower anyone in the enterprise to create sophisticated images and graphic design effects regardless of experience.

Concerns have been raised about legal issues surrounding licensing and copyright. But, Adobe is transparent about its training models. Its intention is to continue innovating with AI while keeping the faith with the creative community. READ MORE


The Slow Motion Tidal Wave Consuming Our Economy

The New York Times, 03/27/23. It’s a weird time for the economy with unpredictable fluctuations and inconsistent trends. Economic models seem to be faltering. Risks on the horizon include demographics, deglobalization, and the growth of artificial intelligence. A coarse approach focused on adaptability is necessary to survive the radical uncertainty. READ MORE


A.I. Is Sucking the Entire Internet In. What If You Could Yank Some Back Out?

SLATE, 03/27/23. A.I. image generators have raised questions about the use of copyrighted images to train A.I. Two artists created a tool to allow any artist to opt-out of having their images used. Over 40,000 artists and companies including Shutterstock have opted out. 

While some argue that A.I. companies should use opt-in images, others see this tool as filling a void left by the absence of clear A.I. laws or government oversight. READ MORE


How to Become an Expert on A.I.

The New York Times, 03/27/23. Chatbots like ChatGPT are a new breed of A.I. powered by large language models trained on vast amounts of text from the internet. They can write unique prose and computer code and carry on sophisticated conversations. 

As exciting as it is, we have to exercise caution about where AI should go. It’s not as powerful as it might seem but it can both surprise and fool us. Still, A.I. already is already benefiting millions of users. READ MORE


What does it mean to develop trustworthy AI?

MARKETPLACE, 03/27/23. Mozilla has launched a new startup focused on developing trustworthy and independent AI. It will be built on open-source software that is free to the public. 

Mozilla aims to differentiate itself by ensuring transparent and accountable generative AI aids like ChatGPT. Mozilla believes open-source AI systems will create choice and accountability, enabling more people to shape the technology. The company wants to integrate trustworthy AI into a browser that provides users with agency, accountability, privacy, and fairness. 

While Mozilla is experimenting with AI integration, it is not worried about competition crowding out its version of trustworthy AI. READ MORE